Sudo in Windows with gsudo

One of the things I have always been frustrated is the lack of a sudo command in PowerShell or CMD on Windows. Simply, sudo is a *nix command the elevates the command you're running to run with administrative privileges.

On Windows, if you want to do that, the shortest method to do so is to use the command Start-Process powershell -Verb runas

So for example, if you want to install a PowerShell module to All Users, the command would look like:

Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-Command", "Install-Module SyncroRMM -Scope AllUsers" -Verb RunAs

Enter gsudo

gsudo is a small utility that gives you sudo like abilities in Windows. Just install it with winget install geradog.gsudo and you're ready to go. Now the command to install a module from earlier is simply:

gsudo Install-Module SyncroRMM -Scope AllUsers

Bang Bang Commands

gsudo also includes a PowerShell module that can be used to enable !! (bang bang) commands. In Linux, !! replaces itself with the last command you ran so you can do this:

> useradd foo
useradd: Permission denied.
> sudo !!
sudo useradd foo

With gsudo, run Import-Module -Name gsudoModule and then you can do the same:

> Install-Module SyncroRMM -Scope AllUsers
Install-Module: Administrator rights are required to install modules
> gsudo !!
VERBOSE: Elevating Command: 'install-module ExchangeOnlineManagement -Scope AllUsers'

To make it even easier, open your PowerShell profile with notepad $PROFILE and add the following to the end:

if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name gsudoModule) {
  Import-Module -Name gsudoModule

Now the !! will always be available in your PowerShell console.