Monitoring Failover Cluster Patching
Windows Failover Clustering is a great way to run services like DHCP, Hyper-V, etc. resiliently. Microsoft makes it easy to schedule patching using Cluster Aware Updating. Once you have Cluster Aware Updating setup, you'll need to monitor it.
First let's get the results of the last run:
$ Get-CauReport -Last
ClusterName : hv-clstr
Status : Succeeded
StartTimestamp : 12/11/2020 3:00:00 AM
CountOfSucceededResults : 6
CountOfFailedResults : 0
CountOfCanceledResults : 0
HadTransientInstallError : False
If the Status
field is Succeeded, great, your last run succeeded and the CountOfSucceededResults
field shows that 6 updates were installed (in my case, 3 on each node of the cluster).
If there is a failure, add the -Detailed
flag to get more results about the failure:
$ Get-CauReport -Last -Detailed
ClusterName : hv-clstr
ClusterResult.Status : Failed
ClusterResult.RunDuration : 4:35:00
ClusterResult.NodeResults : {...}
ClusterResult.ErrorRecordData : MaxFailedNodes limit (0) exceeded.
If ClusterResult.Status
is Failed, then we can look at ClusteResult.ErrorRecordData
for the failure reason and ClusterResult.NodeResults
for the results on individual nodes.
Here's the script to monitor the results of the most recent Cluster Aware Updating run and create alerts in Atera for failed nodes:
$Report = Get-CauReport -Last -Detailed
$UpdateSuccessful = $false
$FailureReason = ""
$FailedNodes = @()
if ($null -eq (Get-Module -ListAvailable PSAtera)) {
Install-Module PSAtera -Force
function New-RMMAlert($Data, $RunId) {
Set-AteraAPIKey -APIKey ""
$CurrentAlerts = Get-AteraAlertsFiltered -Open
$Data | Format-Table
foreach ($node in $Data) {
$Agent = Get-AteraAgent -MachineName $node.Node
if ($CurrentAlerts | Where-Object { $_.DeviceGuid -eq $Agent.DeviceGuid -and $_.AdditionalInfo -eq $RunId }) { continue }
Write-Host "Creating alert"
New-AteraAlert -DeviceGuid $Agent.DeviceGuid -CustomerID $Agent.CustomerId -Title "Cluster Updates Failed" -Severity Critical -AlertCategoryID General `
-MessageTemplate $Node.ErrorRecordData.ExceptionData.Message -AdditionalInfo $RunId
if ($Report.ClusterResult.Status -eq "Succeeded") {
$UpdateSuccessful = $true
} else {
$FailureReason = $Report.ClusterResult.ErrorRecordData
$FailedNodes = $Report.ClusterResult.NodeResults | Where-Object Status -ne "Succeeded" | Select-Object Node, Status, ErrorRecordData
New-RMMAlert -Data $FailedNodes -RunId $Report.ClusterResult.RunId