Part of maintaining clients is keeping track of the various networks involved in managing that client. It's important to know where computers are on the network to be able to support them. So here's a quick script, using PSAtera and PSWriteHTML to create a diagram mapping out what the public address is for agents.
In the diagram output the red nodes are public addresses, green nodes are network IDs and the blue nodes are the agents. Since Atera doesn't make the subnet mask available, I can't determine the true network ID, so the logic is just based off of the reserved IPv4 private networks for class A, B, and C networks.
The Script
Save the code above to "Map-Agents.ps1" and then execute the following changing the Customer ID to whichever you'd like to use:
> . .\Map-Agents.ps1
> Map-Agents -CustomerID 17
The diagram will generate and open in your default browser.